How to apply
When you have logged in at, choose “Ansøgning” in your personal menu or click here:
On this page, you can apply with a new concert production, or if you have already applied earlier, you can copy last year’s application to this year’s form.
To start a new application form, press the button “Opret ny ansøgning”.
To copy the form from an earlier concert production:
Find the production in the list “Sendte ansøgninger”. Press “Kopier” (copy).
It is possible to apply with more than one production.
You will find current your applications – the ones you’re working on (“Påbegyndte ansøgninger”) and those you have already sent (“Sendte ansøginger”) – on this page
The form is divided into six sections which we will go through here. Obligatory fields are marked with a *.
The form will automatically save your typed information. This means that you can close the window and return later if you’re not ready to finish the application now.
1) Produktion (Production)
The name of your concert.
Primær målgruppe*
Choose a primary target audience for your concert.
”Indskoling” covers the age group 5 to 10, ”Mellemtrin” 9 to 14 and ”Udskoling” from 13 to 17, approximately.
Genre (vælg op til to)*
Choose the genres your concert covers. Maximum two.
Kort genrebeskrivelse*
Describe in your own words the genre you play. Maximum 35 characters.
Kort præsentationstekst til skolerne > Short presentation text*:
This text will be used as a presentation text for the schools. No longer than 600 characters.
2) Beskrivelser (Descriptions)
Kort om jer selv som solist/musikgruppe*
Short resume of the group/artist. No longer than 600 characters.
Kort om jeres motivation for at spille skolekoncerter? *
Why do you want to play school concerts? No longer than 600 characters.
Hvad er det musikalske argument for, at jeres koncert skal udvælges?*
What is the musical argument for choosing your concert to play school concerts? No longer than 600 characters.
Hvordan vil I gøre musikken interessant og vedkommende for eleverne?*
How will you make the music interesting and relevant for the students? No longer than 600 characters.
Idéer til det undervisningsmateriale, der skal tilknyttes koncerten
If you have any ideas for the educational material LMS produces – in cooperation with you – to send to the schools prior to the concert, please write them here. No longer than 600 characters.
3) Praktiske oplysninger (practical informations)
Max antal tilskuere* > Maximal number of audience*:
Please state in figures, (the system only recognizes figures) what you consider the maximum number of audience suited for your concert..
The school concerts are normally presented to 150-200 children give or take. In some cases much larger concerts can be held.
Koncertens varighed (minutter) > Duration (in minutes)*:
Please state the duration of your concert. Bear in mind that a school concert as a general rule lasts 45 minutes including presentation and encores. Please state in figures (minutes).
Opstillingstid (minutter) > Set up time (in minutes)*:
How long will it take from your arrive at a school until you are ready to begin the concert? Include everything: carrying equipment, setting up, changing etc. Please state in figures (minutes).
Nedtagningstid (minutter) > Packing up (in minutes)*:
Please state how long it takes you to pack up and get ready to leave after a concert. Please state in figures (minutes).
Behov for hjælpere > Need assistance?
Please state if you need help with your equipment when you come to a school. There is no guarantee that the schools can accommodate your wish, but the vast majority will try.
Krav til koncertlokale > Concert room
Please state if you have special wishes / needs in relation to the room in which the concert will take place. There is no guarantee that the wishes can be fulfilled, but they will be taken into consideration when the application is evaluated.
Krav til scene* > Stage requirements
Please state if you have special wishes / needs in relation to the stage. There is no guarantee that the wishes can be fulfilled, but they will be taken into consideration when the application is evaluated.
Publikums placering* > Placement of the audience
Please state if you have any special wishes regarding the placement of the children: on chairs/on the floor, space for dancing etc.
Behov for strøm* > Need power?
Mørklægning* > Dark concert venue
Does your concert require a dark room? Bear in mind that not all schools will be able to comply with such a wish. Choose either “Ja” (Yes) or “Nej” (No)
Behov for omklædningsrum* > Need changing room?
Choose either “Ja” (Yes) or “Nej” (No)
Øvrig teknik > Other technical matters:
If you have any comments regarding technical matters that are not covered by the fields above, please write them here. Be aware that you must bring all the necessary equipment yourself.
Forbehold ang. geografi periode i forhold til turne >
Reservations concerning time periods in connection w. tour
Please state if you have any periods of time in which you are not able to play school concerts,
LMS will attempt to accommodate the tour according to your wishes. Bear in mind, however, that a large number of reservations will be taken into consideration in the selection process.
4) Filer og links (Files and links)
Upload to musikeksempler. Skal være mp3* > Upload two MP3-files
Upload two examples of your music. They must be played by the same musicians that figure in your application. The files must be in mp3-format.
If you have problems uploading, LMS recommends you try a different browser, a different network or a different computer. If neither works, please contact LMS.
Videoeksempel - max ét. Kan være YouTube-link eller Vimeo embed code > Insert youtube link. Maximum one.
Here you can link to one video recording with your music group. Be aware that the musicians in the film must be the same as the ones you apply with.
The link can be to youtube (URL, sharedURL or embed code) or vimeo (embedded code only).
If you do not see a preview of the video after inserting the link, the link is incorrect, and the program committee will not be able to see it.
There is no guarantee that the program committee will see the full video. We therefore recommend a shorter video.
Billeder* > Pictures/
Please upload at least one picture of the music group. The file must be either jpg or pgn.
Hjemmeside > Website
YouTube kanal > YouTube Channel
Apple Music
5) Medlemmer > group members
Please create/fill in information for each of the group members.
Always begin with the contact person, followed by the others.
It is possible for a manager / booker to be the contact person, in this case please tick the box “Booker/manager eller anden der ikke deltager” (Booker/Manger or someone else who won’t be part of the concert). The person will not be paid by LMS.
Due to financial reasons, LMS will only be able to send a few groups of five-six members on tour, larger groups will not be considered.
In the box “Afregning af løn*” (Payment information) you should choose “via faktura” – this means that you will send an invoice to get paid. However, if you live in Denmark and pay taxes here, you can also choose “via lønbureau”, then you will get a pay check.
6) Godkendelse – Final approval
Review your application.
If you are satisfied with the content, press the button “Godkend og send ansøgning" (Approve and submit application) at the bottom of the page.
Once you submit the application, you can no longer edit.
After submitting, you will come to a page with the headline "Tak for din ansøgning" (Thank you for your application).